Tell me something, how long approximately you’ve been studying in English? Are you one of those who have been studying hard but can’t speak fluently? You know lots of grammar, vocabulary. Still, you find it difficult putting them together when making a sentence while speaking in English? You can think of the sentences in your head, but your mouth doesn’t co-operate?
You can find some help here to overcome all these situations and improve your English spoken skills.
Before I go any further, I would like to request you to have some patience while reading this mammoth article.
Entering the Realm of English
English is unofficially the official language of the planet we live in. It’s been a common language to communicate with any random person in any given country.
When you are connecting yourself into the global hub, you make sure you have enough weapons in your arsenal to survive. The most essential weapon in your survival kit is arguably the skill in communicating in English.
Communication IS the key to survival!
We are way past of the era of ancient sign language. Now, you have to express your needs, thoughts, and everything in words. Like every other language here, spoken is the most essential as well as listening to express your thoughts.
Every sphere of the modern age (financial, social, political, etc.) needs communication. In this era of globalization, this communication often takes place between individuals from different nations. And English is universally granted as the common language to communicate.
Hence, it is understandable why to put so much emphasize on English Spoken skills.
Hey, I Am Speaking to You!
To be honest, it’s an informative read for every individual having trouble with their skill of English spoken.
Whatsoever, it will be helpful if you are –
- A student,
- Taking IELTS or any other English proficiency exam,
- One who wants to excel in a career,
- Willing to do higher studies abroad.
And, The Journey Begins!
From the very beginning of your academic life, your teachers have been teaching you the spellings and grammars, vocabulary, and some other basic rules of the language.
But hardly anyone ever tried to teach you how to put those grammars and vocabulary in a sentence while speaking.
Such a shame!
You need to figure out it on your own as you are not a native speaker in English.
The aim is to have not just the average level of knowledge about the language, rather the aim is to speak in English without any hesitation.
Aim at boosting your overall fluency while speaking in English.
Finding the Culprit Behind Your Misery
A number of surveys have tried to narrow down the probable causes behind people’s weakness in English spoken skills.
The results were astounding!
Almost 70% of the total interviewee are weak in spoken rather than reading, writing, or listening.
Why is that?
The very main reason is that when young learners start learning the language, they basically put all their efforts into reading. They go through online articles, novels, newspapers.
As a result, they gradually become strong in reading.
It’s like focusing on only a single muscle while bodybuilding!
Another fundamental reason is the lack of confidence among the learners.
Learners are not just confident enough to try running a conversation in English, even with their friends. One of the major reasons is that people are scared of speaking in English. The fear the hesitation causes them big time.
Now let’s come to the point.
Let’s see how to improve your English spoken skills.
The Road to Glory: Improving English Spoken Skills
You are going to need patience, hard work, mental strength, and willingness to learn with a view to passing this road smoothly.
Let me remind you – things will not be like a cakewalk!
1. Double or Nothing!
There are basically two sides to speaking in English.
One is physical, where your mouth needs to produce and connect English sounds and words in a proper and smooth way.
And the other side is mental, where your brain needs to find the right words and by putting them together, build a fine sentence quickly. Then the brain will deliver it to your mouth so it can deliver it verbally.
Your skill of English spoken needs both of these two sides.
If one of the sides doesn’t work, you will not have the fluency to speak in English.
It will be like this; if you are a fast thinker, your brain works fast. Your brain puts up those words, vocabularies and delivers it to your mouth, but your mouth can’t connect quickly and smoothly. Then you will find yourself stammering in the middle of your conversation.
Therefore, you need a fine synchronization of both of the sides.
2. Talk to a Native Speaker
The best way to heat up the skill is to talk to a native English speaker on a daily basis. You can manage a coach if that is possible.
But it’s actually pretty hard for everyone to manage that.
That’s why I will be talking about how you can do it on your own with the resources within yourself.
3. The Louder, The Better
When you are reading an article or comprehension or novel or anything read out that loud.
Listen to what you read.
Then re-read and speed up your fluency. Now do it again and again. Keep doing it until you speak faster.
4. Slow Down, You Are Not in a Race!
While talking in English, try to slow down your speed.
Otherwise, there will be no clarity.
You will end up stammering by not finding appropriate words. You will be speaking wrong and meaningless words and sounds.
So, you need to slow down your speed and make your words clear to the listener. Any great speaker does so. You can listen to them sometimes if you want to.
5. Give Yourself Time to Think
While you are talking before saying a sentence at first, think what you are going to say, put the words into a sentence in your head and then deliver it.
If you think a sentence before saying it, there will be no torpidity in your voice anymore.
You will be able to say it smoothly and fluently.
6. Listen, Listen Carefully!
Learn to listen very carefully. When you hear any conversation in English of native speakers, listen carefully.
How do they pronounce?
Their flow of speaking is another thing to follow. Moreover, you will also be able to learn some new vocabulary.
7. Go Out There and Speak
When you are with your friends, try to speak in English. Keep talking to them for a long time in English. When you are with your family, run all conversations in English.
Even when you are alone, stand before the mirror and talk to yourself in English.
Question yourself and answer to that too, all in English.
Stop texting, make phone calls! Keep practicing on your own all day.
Start using simple day-to-day words in the beginning.
8. Confidence is the Key
If you are about to improve your English spoken skills, you must grow some confidence first.
Don’t get nervous while talking – it’s the BIGGEST ENEMY!
Proper or improper keep talking in English.
Destroy the tower of fear.
Keep practicing, keep talking, and have some belief in yourself. Gradually you will be able to overcome the fear, and then you go.
Then, there is no stopping after that.
9. Bye-Bye Hesitation
You have to bid a farewell to the hesitation and grow your natural fluency.
All you need to do is – talk, talk, and talk.
Don’t feel shy to talk even if you are not talking proper English. No one learns anything overnight.
If you keep talking gradually, you will get the confidence, and that will help your fluency.
10. The Imitation Game
Imitation is a highly effective way to improve English spoken skills. You watch or hear a conversation and then say those dialogues yourself.
You don’t have to say those exact words. Make a gist of the context in your own way.
You can listen to some conversations with native speakers. If possible, you should record them and then listen to that again and again.
Recording helps big time.
It helps you with pronunciation as well.
Moreover, you will be able to find out your mistakes on your own.
And thus, you will also find a way how to get rid of those mistakes. And it also gives you an idea about how much improvement you need to get the level of skill you are aiming for.
11. Retell a Story in English
It’s another great way to boost up your English spoken skills.
Read some good English story. Then you tell that story aloud. You don’t need to say those exact words in the book.
Tell the story as you want to.
It will make you prepare for actual conversation. And it opens up your mind.
Improve fluency. It will be more effective if you record it and listen again to find out your lackings.
12. Movies, TV Shows, Songs – They Are More Than Mere Entertainment
You definitely love to watch movies and listen to songs.
Who doesn’t?
Watching movies, listening to songs can boost up your English spoken skills.
It’s a form of implicit learning.
You are not looking for any grammar or rules or the structures of sentences. You are learning how they speak; in what environment they use which expressions.
One simple word or sentence can mean different meanings under different circumstances.
Better watch the movies without any subtitles.
You will be able to concentrate on the pronunciation and expressions then. As a bonus, you will be able to learn some phrases.
Phrases like – as a matter of fact, let me make it clear and so on.
These phrases work as buffers that give you some extra time to think and say your next words and sentences.
It naturally increases your fluency, and you are not out of words so easily then.
13. Talk to Yourself
Don’t keep your thoughts in your head.
If you say your thoughts and narrate your actions, it will help you in several ways.
Suppose you are about to drink water and then go to your work.
You can say, “I will drink water and then go back to my work.”
Do this, and trust me, you will thank me later!
It will also be able to translate your thoughts into words and then deliver them from your mouth.
14. It All Comes Back to the Vocabulary!
Whenever you get the opportunity, try to learn some new words.
The more words you know, the more fluent you are. You will never be out of words in your head.
While learning vocabulary, try to learn in groups or chunks of words.
Like – A cup of tea, a glass of wine, etc.
It is better than learning tea, wine separately.
15. Think in English
Yeah, you’ve seen it right.
Think in English!
It will make you more fluent during the conversation. It will take less time to respond while talking.
For this purpose, you can take note of your thoughts. Write those down your daily thoughts in a diary.
It might not be perfect, but it will make your thoughts in English into words with less effort.
16. Acquire the Natural Flow of the Language
You are often able to speak individual words perfectly. But sometimes it ruins the rhythm or the flow of the language.
While reading a piece of poetry or novel and while watching a movie or enjoying a song, if you notice closely, you can see a few things.
You need to look up for four facts –
- Linking,
- Contractions,
- Stress and
- Rhythm
Linking is as you know it. Listen closely to some native speakers. Notice how they link two different sounds into one.
It makes the sounds more euphonic.
Contractions merge two words into one.
For example – I am = I’m, he will = he’ll, they are = they’re, etc.
There are some stressed and unstressed syllables in sentences that play a very important role in pronunciation.
And lastly, rhythm.
Rhythm is the outcome of linking, contractions, and stress.
17. Get Smart with Smartphones
We spend the most amount of time of our day using smartphones.
Use it to enrich your English spoken skills.
There are several apps that can help you with your English spoken skills. You will find them on AppStore or on Google Play Store.
You can even have some chat with Siri if you own an iPhone.
If you own an Android smartphone, you can use Google Now.
It will help you to make your pronunciation perfect as Siri or Google now won’t respond with the wrong pronunciation.
Plus, as they are machines, you will feel less hesitation chatting with them.
18. Reward Yourself and Punish Yourself
It sounds weird.
But it can be a pretty effective way. You can set a goal that for the next day or next week, you will talk only in English straight.
Then, see how long you can be able to do so.
If you can meet up your goal, you can reward yourself with like you can go out and eat.
And if you can’t, then you can punish yourself with like you won’t have your favorite food or drink in for the next couple of days!
Then, you will be more comfortable in speaking English day by day.
Taking part in fun online spelling bee, a spelling bee quiz game that you can play with others, can be a great way to reward yourself while learning.
19. Getting Formal: Take English Speaking Classes
You can also take some English spoken classes if you need.
It will help you big time.
Your mentor can help you with your weaknesses.
They will be able to help you to overcome your weaknesses. You will also find some friends there. You will be able to run some conversation with them.
This will give you a safe environment for learning English.
20. Embrace the Pressure!
Speaking in a foreign language is always tough. It will never be as easy as your mother tongue.
You can explain something in your mother tongue easily, but when you try to do it in English, it won’t be the same.
There will always be pressure.
Unless you are living in a country where everyone speaks English, and without completely surrounded by that culture for a long time, it will never feel like your native language.
So, there will always be the pressure – it’s the inevitable constant!
You better get used to it. It will be easy to deal with then.
21. Learn Phrases and Idioms
There are plenty of phrases and idioms. Phrases and idioms are a group of words that acts as a specific meaning.
These phrases and idioms make the sentences more audible.
For example, you can say, “how are you feeling today?”
But a native speaker will say, “how’re you doing” or “what’s up?”
One of the most important tools for improving English spoken skills can be learning English phrases and idioms. So, try to learn English phrases rather than learning individual words.
Also, you should take a look at the most common words in the English language. These words will help you speak English better.
Is That All?
After going through this long article, you might be thinking, is it all?
Will I be able to improve my English Spoken English if I follow these methods?
I hope so!
The capability of learning isn’t the same for everyone, though.
Our brains work in different ways.
So, it’s you who have to find out the most suitable method for you. No one knows you better than yourself. You should pick your way and do it accordingly.
It’s a Wonderful Life!
In today’s’ world, which is based on communication, one’s English spoken skill plays a huge role in their life, career, and everything.
Once you meet your desired goal of English spoken skills, you are ready to compete.
Before you feel sorry, give yourself some credit. When you were in grade 1 or grade 2, you weren’t as you are right now. So, give yourself time.
You are ready to take on anyone, ready to make your own place, can enjoy the gifts of the modern era without any problem, can go for studying anywhere you want to.
Life is wonderful, I hope you live it fully.